JiangXi Amy Garment Co.,Ltd
Contact person: Amy Wu 
Email:  amy@amygarment.com
Address: Room 301-304, Building 8, Knitted Garment Industrial Park, Qinshanhu district, Nanchang city, JiangXi province, China.
Website: www.amygarment.com

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  • Date: 2022-09-13
  • Views: 23Times
Today, we have invited Ms. Yang Jine, second-level Inspector of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology; Mr. Du Feilun, Standing Committee member and Vice Mayor of Ganzhou Municipal Committee; Ms. Liao Lingmin, second-level Inspector of the Provincial Department of Commerce; Ms. Zhu Xiaoyan, member of the Party Group and Vice President of the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade; Mr. Li Songbai, Deputy Secretary and county Governor of Yudu County Party Committee; Please introduce the 2023 Jiangxi Textile and Garment Week and the fourth Jiangxi (Ganzhou) Textile and Garment Industry Expo, and answer your questions.

First, the overall development of textile and garment industry in Jiangxi Province

Textile and garment is a traditional advantageous industry and an important livelihood industry in our province. In recent years, the textile and garment industry in our province has seized the good opportunity of the transfer of industries from coastal areas to the central and western regions, achieved rapid development, and has ranked in the forefront of the second square of the development of the same industry in the country. In 2022, there will be 1,567 enterprises above designated size in the whole industry, with operating income of 172.5 billion yuan, profit of 10 billion yuan, actual export of 6.54 billion US dollars, and employment of about 300,000 people. Among them, the business income ranks eighth in the same industry in the country, accounting for 3.6% of the province's industry, and exports account for 8.6% of the province. Since the beginning of this year, affected by a variety of adverse factors, the growth rate of the industry has slowed down, but there are still many bright spots: First, there are 135 projects under construction of more than 100 million yuan in the whole industry this year, with a total investment of 84.4 billion yuan, which will lay a good foundation for future development; Second, the chemical fiber industry maintained a good growth, from January to October operating income reached 14.2 billion yuan, an increase of 5%; Third, digital construction accelerated, winner fashion led the construction of the industrial Internet identification analysis secondary node has passed acceptance, the province's textile and garment industry brain platform will be completed by the end of the year, cultivating a number of digital demonstration enterprises such as Huaxing knitting, Mingheng Textile, Sward, Wei cotton textile.

Second, the purpose of holding 2023 Jiangxi Textile and Garment Week and the fourth Jiangxi (Ganzhou) textile and Garment Industry Expo

In 2021 and 2022, our department, together with relevant units, held two consecutive Jiangxi Textile and Garment Weeks in Gongqing City, Jiujiang City, and Yudu County, Ganzhou City, winning the praise of industry insiders and consumers, and achieving good social effects. On the basis of summarizing the successful experience of the previous two sessions, this year, our Department and the China Garment Association, the Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Ganzhou People's Government and other units decided to hold 2023 Jiangxi Textile and Garment Week and the fourth Jiangxi (Ganzhou) Textile and Garment Industry Expo. There are mainly three aspects to consider:

First, in order to promote the high-quality development of Jiangxi textile and garment industry. This year, our province introduced the "Jiangxi Province Key industrial chain modernization" 1269 "action plan (2023-2026)", of which textile and apparel is one of the 12 key industrial chains. This Textile and Garment Week and Expo will focus on the implementation of the "1269" action plan, and hold a series of activities such as exhibitions, summit forums, investment promotion, production and marketing connection, fashion trend release, employee skills competition, creative design competition, etc., to build a platform for exchanges and cooperation between various types of industrial chain players, and promote various resources and elements to gather in the textile and garment industry. Further integrate the supply chain, extend the industrial chain, enhance the value chain, and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

The second is to promote Jiangxi textile and garment industry. The first two sessions of the textile and Garment Week attracted 130 and 150 enterprises to participate in the exhibition, a number of domestic leading enterprises and more than 30 overseas textile and garment buyers participated in the relevant activities, the heads of relevant departments and bureaus of national ministries and commissions, representatives of national industry associations and well-known experts and scholars in the industry were invited to attend, a gathering of talents and top flow gathered. At the same time, thanks to the extensive publicity reports of media and platforms at all levels, the publicity boom of Jiangxi textile and clothing has been set off. Through the holding of textile and garment Week and clothing Expo, Jiangxi textile and garment industry has become more and more influential, more and more wide circle of friends, and more and more attention, which has played a good role in publicity and promotion, and has become a business card and a sign to publicize Jiangxi textile and garment industry.

The third is to help Jiangxi textile and garment industry recovery. In recent years, affected by various adverse factors, the downward pressure on the textile and garment industry has continued to increase. In April this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the "Notice on carrying out 2023 Textile and Garment Supply Promotion and Upgrading Activities", proposing to improve the quality of textile and garment supply, promote the steady growth of the textile and garment industry, expand domestic demand and stabilize external demand. This textile and Apparel Week and Clothing Expo has been included in the national excellent supply promotion and upgrading activity plan, will fully display our province's high-quality textile and apparel products, and through online live delivery of goods, offline exhibition, docking with foreign buyers and other ways, to help enterprises develop domestic and external demand markets, improve brand influence and visibility, and promote industrial recovery.

Third, the overall situation of this textile and clothing Week and clothing Expo

This year's Textile and Garment Week and Clothing Fair by the People's Government of Jiangxi Province and China Textile Industry Federation as the guiding unit, by our department and China Garment Association, provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Ganzhou City people's government co-sponsored, Ganzhou City relevant functional departments and Yudu County people's government specific undertake. It will be held from December 23 to 26 in Yudu County, Ganzhou City. With the theme of "New Long March · New wisdom", it aims to start from Yudu, the gathering place of the Long March of the Central Red Army, open a new long March road to the modernization of Jiangxi's textile and garment industry, accelerate the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading, and move towards the road of scientific and technological, fashionable, green and high-quality development.

This textile and Garment Week and Clothing Expo is divided into two parts: static display and dynamic activity. Among them, the total area of static display is nearly 30,000 square meters, and seven pavilions are planned, including Jiangxi Pavilion, Ganzhou Pavilion, intelligent equipment pavilion, noodle accessories pavilion, innovative design pavilion, industrial theme pavilion, high-quality manufacturing pavilion. The static display highlights the new progress and achievements of 10 textile and garment industrial clusters in our province, as well as industrial digital transformation and industrial technological innovation. Up to now, 180 enterprises have signed up for the exhibition, the types of exhibitors include R & D design, manufacturing, brand marketing, industrial promotion, etc. The exhibits cover the whole industry chain of textile and apparel, showing the characteristics of high specifications, large scale and brand, which will show the highest level of textile and apparel industry in our province.

The dynamic event consists of 11 main events, which are held in the Fashion release Center, the conference center and the comprehensive center of the exhibition. The dynamic activities highlight the connection of the industrial chain and the whole chain of the supply chain, and highlight the coordination and connection between the industry and resource elements such as science and technology, education, talent, and capital. Among them, the 2023 China Clothing Forum Advanced Innovation Summit will set off a "brainstorming", bringing authoritative clothing industry trend sharing and prediction; 2023 Jiangxi Textile and Apparel International Direct sourcing Matching will adopt the "online exhibition, offline direct sourcing, overseas promotion" model, so that enterprises and buyers from all over the world efficient series, win-win cooperation; At that time, a number of fashion trends will be held to provide the audience with a visual feast, showing the perfect integration of "Long March culture" and "fashion culture".

Copyright © JiangXi Amy  Garment Co.,Ltd
Room 301-304, Building 8, Knitted Garment Industrial Park, Qinshanhu district, Nanchang city, JiangXi province, China.
